The poems
on this page are not my own,
but the author has kindly given me his permission
to put them here so they can be shared by
everyone who comes to my site !
by Scott McDonald
Keep, keep me in your
And I promise you
I'll someday touch
Someday touch your smile
And if in your dreams
I am there
Keep me there
Keep me in your dreams
And I promise you
I'll someday touch your heart
And if that's not enough
I'll take you high
Yes, high in the sky
Above the heavens too
Where I promise you
I'll someday give
Someday give my love to you !
New Day
by Scott McDonald
With its brilliance and
the sun
A new day dawns its view to you
And as the picture surrounds you
You are frozen in the moment
Oh, the wonderment of its beauty
Oh, the wonderment of its being
You take it in
It takes you through
New dimensions
New horizons
Ever clearer
Ever nearer
A new day dawns its view for you
It captures you
It takes you through the view
Oh, the beauty of it all
This day
This view
It's all for you !
In a Dream
by Scott McDonald
If I found my dream
Surely I would find you
To hold
To love
To see me through
What is make believe
And If I believed in one
Surely I would believe in you
To give
To trust
To see me through
The ups, the downs
And all the times in between
And if I would only see one
Surely I would only see you
Standing alone
There you would be
A shining star
To see me through
My dream with you !
by Scott McDonald
You are the dreamer
That dreams the dream
You are the movement
That makes the move
Follow close to the center of your heart
Never fear of losing your way
A dividing light will appear to you
Your heart will show which to pass through
So enter into all that is true
Enter into all that is you
For you are that movement
Make the move
For you are the dreamer
That dreams the dream
*Live Your Dream

If You Would Like To Contact Scott
About These Poems Or Anything Else
You Can E-mail him Here