Everything About You
by LadyCath
I close mine eyes
I take a deep breath
I inhale each second of your presence,
In my heart, in my soul, in me...
I let my dreams rise
I gather all my strength
I inhale each happiness you present,
In my heart, in my soul, in me...
I hold you dearly in my dreams
I hug you lovingly in my hopes
I inhale each invisible touch of yours,
In my heart, in my soul, in me...
I let love flow like endless streams
I strive through hills and slopes
I inhale each strength you have placed
In my heart, in my soul, in me...
I just want to close mine eyes
I just want to drown myself mesmerized
I just want to inhale everything about you,
And cherish them
In my heart, in my soul, in me...
I want to inhale, each tear that you cry
Each heartache that you suffer
Each breath that you take
Each move that you make
Each smile on your face
Each word that you say
Each laughter of yours
Each second of your existence
Each Moment of you in my life
In my heart, in my soul, in me...
I love you deeply with each breath.
--December 31st 1998--

by LadyCath
I want to dream with you,
The sweetest dream will never do.
I want to dance with you,
Dancing under the moon so blue.
I want to hold you close,
So close, I would not let you go.
I want to kiss your lips,
So deep kisses, you'll forget your sleep.
I want to touch your skin,
So gentle touch, make your heart spin.
Sending a quiver up your spine,
Making you shiver and yet feel so fine.
I want to move you,
Move your heart,
Move your soul,
Move you to me,
I want to dream with you,
And make them come true.
Someday, somehow, someway, you know I would.
For now, daydreaming is all I do.
Just dream about you, with you and for you.
--December 4th 1998--

All That I
by LadyCath
I need
Your warm affection
Your tender hugs
Your gentle touches
Your deep smooches
Your passionate kisses
Your sweet whispers
Your arms around me
Your breath on my skin
Your lips on my lips
Your smile in my eyes
Your laughter in my head
Your voice in my soul
Your presence in my heart
Your existence in my life.
For you I give all of me
And all that I need is... You.
--December 2nd 1998--
Let it be days without sun, nights without moon,
You brighten my world with your love alone.