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This Page is For My Best Friend
Whose Strength And Love Has
Helped To Make Me The Person I Am Today

What is a Friend ?
What face can you give to a friend ? How do you see them ?
If in life you have "ONE" true friend, you are truly
blessed .
I have been lucky enough to have found that one true friend.
Here is what that friendship means to me !
He gives me a hand
to lift me up when I am down
and never asks anything in return.
The sound of his voice
lights up my face
with the biggest smiles I have ever had.
His voice calms my
spirit and soothes my soul.
His wit brings laughter to my heart.
He has given me a
part of his heart to help hold mine together,
when it has felt as though it would break in two.
He cries with me,
and he smiles with me.
He listens when it seems no one else cares.
He has put me before
himself, even though I tell him not to.
He knows me so well,
that he knows what I am
thinking, even before I do.
We can talk for hours
about absolutely everything
and yet still find more to talk about .
We revel in each others company.
His tight hugs and
soft kisses have grasped my heart.
I find him already
doing , when others
are still asking "Is there anything I can do ?"
He makes me think
and never lets me take the easy way out.
He gives me the strength to do what needs to be done.
We know everything
about each other
and are comfortable in that knowledge.
He is someone who
does things that count,
but never stops to count them.
His smile helps to
clear the path when it seems so rough and long,
that I can't see its end.
I trust in him and
he in me.
Our Souls Are Intertwined !
You might ask, where
do you find such a friend?
I believe GOD works in mysterious ways.
We met on random chat on ICQ, in August of 1998.
Since that time we have learned much about each other.
Some of it was not what we would have liked to hear.
But we now look each other straight in the eye,
knowing that both of us are imperfect,
but accepting the imperfections along with the good.
There have been highs
and lows,
but through it all, our friendship still endures.
Stronger than ever !

Derek, I Love You !
Thank You For Just Being You